Computerized cleaning services?

house1attribOur society is definitely more computerized now than ever. And unfortunately, some of the human touch is now missing when it comes to services. There is a trend afoot in which consumers can go on line and order house cleaning services much the way one would order Chinese food or set a reservation.

While the online ordering systems are certainly convenient—I do not believe that such services are in the best interest of every type of service.

For example, I happen to own a cleaning service. I could easily never have any contact with my client. I could set up a system where clients go in, book a cleaning and never have human contact. I won’t do that. You know why? Because the buck must stop somewhere and for me, it stops at people’s private residences.

There is no place more personal, more intimate, more loving than the home. Home is where we sleep. Home is where we entertain and raise our children. Home is where we store many of our memories and valuables. Home is where our pets play and show us loyalty. In short, there is no place like home.

I cannot imagine “ordering” a house cleaning in such a cold manner and allowing someone into my home unchecked. Yes, I understand that some of these services that are popping up are saying that they screen and perform background checks. However, in my world, home is sacred.

There is nothing I can do—or even desire to do, regarding the new companies that are cutting out the human aspects of house cleaning by allowing on line ordering. But I will say this. There is someone for everyone and there is the right cleaning service for the right clients. We are not the right fit for every person out there and visa versa.

UpperCrust Maids is looking for a certain type of client. We desire to work with clients who want a personalized service—not a cold service that is ordered up like one would order a pizza. We are looking for clients who respect their homes and who are very particular about who they will allow to enter and work in their homes.

If you are looking for a more traditional house cleaning service, we believe that the tradition is not broken, so we won’t attempt to fix what’s not broken. Give us a call. You will speak with a staff member who is local (not on another coast) and we will get the ball rolling to offering you the superior service that you deserve!


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