Groupon and similar services are a HIT in Washington, DC

Have you gotten your group on yet?  If not, be certain to get this website on your radar and join their mailing list.

Here is how it works.

1.  Every day a local company agrees to offer a deal to the general  public at deeply slashed prices—at least 50% off.

2.  The featured company sets a minimum amount that they will accept for the deal to become active.  For example, perhaps they are offering $50 meals for only $25.  Well, in order to take advantage, at least 100 people will need to pre-order.  Once that 100 people sign on…..the deal is ON!

3.  The deal is good for 24 hours and then is no longer valid

It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. The featured company has the potential to earn loyal clients who return again and again, and the consumers receive top rated services and products at affordable prices.

Check them out at


DEALS FOR DEEDS is emerging!

I am happy to report that there is a similar company about to emerge!  And this one is great because a percentage of their sales will go to a local charity.  They are called Deals For Deeds and their address is

Check out the details for their launch party:

Please join us as we celebrate the launch of, DC’s daily deal site for the common good! The event will be held at ACKC – 1529c 14th Street, NW on Tuesday, April 27th from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Complimentary beer, wine, and surprises provided. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the daily-deal concept, it’s pretty simple: every day we present you with a deeply discounted deal (50% off or more) on the coolest things to eat, see, or do throughout the DC area.

Deals For Deeds is not your average daily deal site. It connects environmentally and socially conscious consumers with the local businesses and charitable organizations that share their passion, right in their own communities. A percentage of every purchase you make is donated to your choice of three featured local charities. We’re pleased to announce that Washington Animal Rescue League, Habitat for Humanity of Washington, DC, and Food & Friends will be our featured charity partners for the first month.

Come and learn more about Deals For Deeds and mingle with local business owners, trend-setters, and reps from local charities.

2 thoughts on “Groupon and similar services are a HIT in Washington, DC

  1. techbot

    what a great idea! Deal for Deeds…love it, I’m signing up.

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